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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wanted to talk about my New Zealand trip! I went to NZ on the first week of holidays, i was anticipating so much as this trip was cancelled two years ago due to swine flu >< This year, instead of a follower, I had the chance to become a leader. However, it comes with a lot of responsibilities and I was wondering if i will let loose and enjoy myself there. I have been really uptight when it comes to rehearsal as we only had 2 weeks to prepare for all of our items and its really a big rush ><

Took pictures with all the members ^^ Most of them are of lower secondary students and they are all really fun people after you get to know them ^^ Sadly, we had conflict for like 4 days before making up on Friday. That was when I learn that ice-skating is a really great sport after a conflict ^^ But I fell like twice and seriously I was laughing my head off ^^ It hurts badly but its super fun!

It was tough to say goodbye to our hosts, after all, we had been with them for one whole week and they have been taking really good care of us especially since we were in a foreign place! My host is Emilie Taylor, and she is really really nice! She is younger then me by 3 years old but she really has the potential of being a great leader!

I miss them like seriously! HOMEGURLZ FOR THE WIN !!!!!!!

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Time to start blogging ^^

hehe, just remembered that i haven't be posting for like half a month, but i doubt if anyone were to ever read my pathetic blog even if i did blog.

Well, had a dramatic half a year . . . Apparently, i am back with friends with selle again, but none of the others though . . . At first i hadn't really expected it as i never thought we will become good friends again. I sort of missed her company i guess, having someone to talk to was good. Well, i suppose that is a good thing ^^

I managed to get a change of subjects, POA ^^ Thanks to that, I have 2 subjects under the A grade ^^ was kinda happy though ^^

This year was different again, but as compared to last year, it was a lot livelier and maybe because we were strangers, i could befriend others slightly easier. The sad thing is that i got LCH as my form teacher ><

Well, kinda disappointed with my friend. I am sick of her giving me attitude and expecting to me go along with her. Is this the real her? If it is, i really have nothing to say ><

Well, I will end here now. If anything more to happen, I will definitely blog okay? I promise ^^

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Haiz, another day over without any thing done ><><

Went to KK hospital for some family things before going to Grand Cathay and eat Astons Grill ^^ The food there is like big portions with two side dishes, its those type that is considered cheap and filling. Ate lamb loin chop with onion ring and coleslaw. The cream of mushroom there is highly recommendable as its really nice ^^ After that had free tall peppermint mocha frappecino without whipped cream as desert ??? There was this charity event that the Salvation Army and Starbucks had collaborated. Sat around there till maybe 7.30pm before going to play L4D2 and to wait for my mum to finish her dancing lessons for the songs that is required for her to perform with her other colleagues.

I should make this straight, i can't play games like L4D cause i seriously suck. Is it because of my mouse or i really am an idiot ???? I wonder . . . Before ending our session, i was thinking of playing audition sea and see how much i have actually detoriated, but apparently was unsuccesful due to other various factors ><

Went to meet my mum after that, thinking she was gonna eat with her colleague but she left early. Went with her mum to her office and stayed there till 12am??? Left and started walking around doing nothing and took a taxi home ^^

Now, watching Bloody Monday starring Haruma Miura as the lead ^^ Was thinking of washing clothes now but my mum didn't allow so . . . Good night everyone and sweet dreams ^^

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The day is coming soon !!!!!!!! Getting more and more nervous as time goes by . . .

Watch a super touching movie this morning, called koizora, which is also 恋空。You all should really watch it ^^

Haven't receive any informationregarding my subject choice for next year. Haiz, i don't wanna take pure hist next year ><

Why is studies making into such a huge point in our lives ???????

Key Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Went out yesterday with Cheryl, Gaby and Hui Ling to cycle at East Coast Park ^^ Was suppose to include Bessie too but apparently she couldn't make it as she was super tired after her camp which had ended the same day.

Well, so early in the morning Gaby came over to my house as she had to settle some things in school and since she was near my house, i told her to come along. Nothing much happened after that. Met Cheryl at the small mac in Tampines Interchange. My third present was Key necklace ^^ thanks ^^

Well, so after that we took bus 31 to East Coast PArk from there, so we took a taxi there instead ><>< What is this, but we still decided to cycle before going for Kbox ^^ Me and Hui Ling took the double seater one while both Gaby and Cheryl took the single one. WE HAD LOADS OF FUN IN THE RAIN ^^We were all practically drenched from head to toe.

After that we went to Marina Square, decided to keep ourselves warm by eating those super hot warm as we were practically freezing with the wet clothes still on our body as we didn't bring clothes to change out into.Only Cheryl and Gaby went in the end as Hui Ling's mom didn't allow and my mum only replied me at 9pm when the session end ><

Having a headache now, is it due to the rain yesterday ???


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Friday, November 26, 2010
Long ~ time

I wonder how long has it been since i last posted on this blog. I think its already super dead >< So many things has happen this year. Should i keep this blog alive ???

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Thursday, July 15, 2010
finally re-posting

So many things have been happening this year. Must be like the most dramatic year ever. Seriously, people are so unpredictable. One day you may think that they are a good friend, the next thing you know, they will stab you in the back.

Why is it that people tends to not care about the other person's feelings? Instead, they hurt it in any way they wanted.

Humans heart and feelings are just like glass, easily breakable and fragile. The more you think its fun, the more hurting it will actually be. Just wanna let them know, they should really understand matters by facing face to face and just talk in a nice manner.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Secondary three live is so totally horrendous! The homework that are given to me by my teachers never seem to end. Its going to pile up into a mountain soon!

Just finished my second day at NCO day camp. TIRING!

So many activities going on now. SHINee dance, NCO camp and now, 2 star kayaking course! The worse thing is that all is on the same day and same time! Super coincidental!

Decided to go for 2 star kayaking course! If now really wasted!

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Saturday, January 9, 2010
clever me this time ^^

HAHAHAHAS! Just found out how clever i am ^^

Read giselle's post again then saw her write about de wei and gary, make me feel like laughing out loud. I was already acting at that point of the year, seeing what their reactions might be. Well, it was a little unexpected though.

I fake cry also cannot differentiate sia, how stupid can that be?

Lucky me, now that i am out of the group. Just like Xiuqi unnie said, not worth it.

I say i have emo drink also belive, now i am not the gullible me ^^

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Now i know how i stupid i am. . .

They didn't really treat me as friend, just someone that they can make use of. To think that i went with them to Potong Pasir with them just to see daryl, and end up having bad results.

When i was in trouble, they wasn't even so protective. I think that just totally proves it doesn't it? I totally agree with what eddy had told me the other day. To think that i totally scolded them for framing giselle, saying that she said i was despo for a BF.

Had they even wondered why? Everytime i tried telling them, they would be like 'Orhhs'. Lucky i didn't show them my real side. Otherwise, who knows what worse things might happen.

You all just didn't realise how you all really treated me. Somemore keep saying in the class that i was the only one thinking i was a spare tire and that it wasn't true.

Now it all makes sense doesn't it? How pathetic i was. Sooner or later, i have a feeling that isabelle might be the next one.

Now, the only person i can trust now is myself and no one else.

Really just feel like asking them to just go and die las.

If we go out and hui wen is very silent, you all straight away ask her what is wrong and just leave me alone with guys that i dunno. For me? You ignore me. Knowing that i hate the f word, you all still purposely say it in front of me like no one's business.

To think that i believe you when you said that you don't wanna lose me as a friend. Those are all lies isn't it?

From now on, i will no longer be gullible.

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